- Autores: Iglesias I.,Sebastian M.A.,Ares J.E.
- Publicado el: 24/06/2015
Overview of the State of Robotic Machining: Current Situation and Future Potential
Nowadays industrial robots are an appropriate technology for developing flexible and reconfigurable manufacturing systems which contribute to perform automatically operation such as milling, cutting, drilling, grinding, deburring and polishing. Machining robots symbolize a cost-saving and flexible alternative compared to conventional CNC machines which are the restricted working area and produced shape limitations. The improvement of individual elements and development of new devices has caused a perception change about the use of industrial robots to perform machining operations. The approach to this research was to analyze technical barriers of individual components that it was broken-down as well as full improving the system. This document is intended to provide technical constraints, current technology and future potential researches about robotic machining.
- Año de publicación: 2015
- Editor: MESIC Manufacturing Engineering Society International Conference 2015
- Revista: Procedia Engineering
- Volumen: 132
- Páginas: 911
- Etiqueta: ISSN 1877-7058
- I+D+i: Advanced robotic solutions for industrial applications, Mecatrónica, Mechatronics, Robótica movil y/o colaborativa para aplicaciones industriales
- Sector Industrial: Metalmecánico